second to none

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second to none

更新时间:2024-05-14 01:31:08

英 [ˈsekənd tu: nʌn]

美 [ˈsɛkənd tu nʌn]

second to none基本解释

最好的; 顶呱呱


  • 网络解释

1. second to none

1. 最佳的:see the world 见过世面;见多识广 | second to none 最佳的 | second thoughts 重新考虑

2. 天下无双:世界七大奇迹the world's seven wonders | 天下无双 second to none | 天下第一泉 the No. One spring on earth

3. 独一无二:1) Hills of Alva 阿瓦山 | 3) Second To None 独一无二 | 4) Miss Girdle 吉尔德小姐

  • 临近词
New York's energetic nightlife is second to none.(纽约充满活力的夜生活不亚于任何地方。)
Her mark in English translation is second to none in this class.(她的英语翻译成绩在这个班里是名列前茅的。)
China is also second to none in the world!(中国也是世界上首屈一指的!)
At Quinta Real Acapulco, guests enjoy savory food with a view that's second to none.(在阿卡普尔科的客人享受美味的食物,一种观点认为,第二没有。)
The courage and professionalism of our armed forces are second to none.(我军的勇气和敬业精神是世界上首屈一指的。)
Young as he is, he is second to none in business.(尽管年龄小,但他在生意场上不输给任何人。)
One of the reasons for this is a rebate program second to none.(原因之一,因为这是一种回扣程序无出其右。)
In the output of grain, China is second to none.(在粮食产量上,中国首屈一指。)
Our connections with international airlines are second to none.(我们同各国际航空公司的关系是首屈一指的。)
You asked me to recommend a traveling destination and I do think Bei Hai is second to none.(你让我给你推荐一个旅游地儿,我想北海是个不二之选。--推荐。)
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